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Mental Health Services

We pride ourselves on the providing true person-centred care for a variety of individuals with diverse and complex specialist care needs. Therefore, it was a natural progression to establish a dedicated Nua Mental Health Care Pathway, which adopted a tiered approach. As part of this Care Pathway, we operate an Approved Centre, Community Mental Health Based Residences (CMHBRs), and a Supported Living Service. We are currently developing a Low Secure Mental Health Service, which will be the first independently operated service of its kind in Ireland.


The primary aim of the Low Secure Unit is to provide assessment services, care and treatment to male adults with a diagnosable mental disorder. It will be a Consultant-led service focusing on recovery and rehabilitation, utilising strengths based risk assessment tools and recovery-based outcome measures. Responsiveness, Rehabilitation, Recovery, and Risk Management will be pivotal to the care provided in the Low Secure Unit.

To download and view Nua's Policy on Restraint Reduction, please click here.

Tearmann House
Low Secure Unit
Aran Lodge
The Manor
Cois Dalua 
Approved Centre

Our existing Approved Centre in Cork is also a consultant-led service designed for adults suffering from a mental illness/disorder, ongoing complex needs, and reduced social functions. The Approved Centre focuses on specialist inpatient care through a recovery and rehabilitation model, supporting each resident’s recovery. A strengths-based approach is adopted throughout the treatment programme with the overall aim of supporting individuals to lead meaningful, productive lives and, where possible, progress to more independent living in a community-based setting.

Our Approved Centre provides treatment and support in a long stay setting for individuals with a diagnosis of:


• Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders

• Mood Disorders - Bipolar Affective Disorder

·       Depressive Disorders

·       Anxiety Disorders

• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / Complex Trauma

• Personality Disorders

• Co-morbid Mental Health Care Needs and Intellectual Disabilities

To download and view our 2024 Annual Report on the Use of Restraint in Cois Dalua, Approved Centre, please click here.

Our CMHBRs offer high levels of support to residents with ongoing mental health-related complex needs who benefit from a community-based, and slower-paced recovery process. The primary goal of CBMHRs is to further an individual’s rehabilitation and recovery in a supportive community-based setting. Within this supportive environment, individuals are both encouraged and enabled to actively address and pursue identified therapeutic goals through their Individualised Care Plan (ICP). Our CMBHRs represent the penultimate step in Nua’s Mental Health Care Pathway, catering to residents progressing through their rehabilitation and recovery focused ICPs. For these individuals, the next step is supported living in the community.


Our CBMHR’s provide care and support in a long-stay residential setting for individuals with a diagnosis / comorbidity of:


• Mood Disorders

• Psychotic Disorders (in remission)

• Depression / Anxiety / Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

• Personality Disorders

Our Supported Living Service (SLS) provides person-centred care and support to individuals with mental health difficulties, empowering them to reside in their own homes as they progress toward greater independence. Our team of care and support staff, led by a Field Care Supervisor and a Care Manager, ensure seamless delivery of our SLS. Support hours are tailored to each individual’s needs, with staff working closely with them to assess their goals and determine the level of support required for activities of daily living, such as personal care, community engagement, and participation in occupational and leisure activities.


Our other mental health services provide treatment and support in a potentially long-stay setting for individuals with a diagnosable mental disorder such as:

• Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders

• Mood Disorders - Bipolar Affective Disorder

·       Depressive Disorders

·       Anxiety Disorders

• Dissociative Disorders

• Personality Disorders

• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / Complex Trauma

For more information on how to make a referral to our Mental Health Services, please visit the Enquiries page or contact our Admissions Team by emailing:

Expanding Nua's mental health services reflects our commitment to evolving societal needs, enhancing care pathways, and fostering continuous improvement.
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