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Individual Survey

Welcome to the Individual Survey.

Please take a few moments to complete our short individual survey. It should take you no more than two minutes. However, the feedback is of critical importance to us as we work to achieve improved customer experience and outcomes for the men, women, and children who use of services.

Thank you for your time.

Nua Healthcare Services



How happy are you with?

How comfortable your centre is
How warm and cosy your centre is
Your opportunities to interact with other individuals/residents and visitors
Your access to a garden or outdoor area?


How happy are you with?

Your Bedroom
The amount of space you have for your personal things
The security of your belongings?
Your laundry room or place to wash your clothes?


How happy are you with the...

Taste of food
Choice of food
Amount of food
Temperature of the food
Times the meals are served
Amount of time you get to eat your meal
Access to drinks and snacks outside of mealtimes
Grocery shopping
Cooking and eating facilities?
The way in which you are involved in decision making about your food
The way in which you are encouraged to learn new skills and become more independent with shopping and cooking


How happy are you with?

The arrangements for visitors
The welcome your visitors get from team members?


How happy are you with the amount of choice you have about?

What time you get up
When you go to bed
What you eat
What you wear
The activities you take part in
Your weekly & daily planner
The care and support you receive

How happy are you with?

The amount of privacy you have
How your respect and dignity is protected
How safe you feel
Are you happy with the things we have done for your health and safety



How happy are you with?

Your relationships with other individuals/residents
Your involvement in deciding on the activities in your centre
How often you leave your house
Your participation in the wider community outside of your centre?


Do you have you a care and support plan?



How happy are you that team members?

Are easy to talk to
Listen to you
Know you and your likes and dislikes?

How happy are you with the supports you get from team members? ... when you are …

Getting dressed
Eating or Drinking

How happy are you with the supports you get from team members? … when you are …

Taking part in social or recreational activities inside your centre.
Taking part in activities outside your centre?
Encourage you to learn new skills.


Have you ever made a complaint about something in your centre?
Were you happy with the way your complaint was dealt with?


Are you:
How long have you or the individual/resident lived in the centre?
Would you like a Designated Safeguarding or Complaints Officer to contact you to discuss anything in this questionnaire?

Thank you! ​Your submission is complete according to your chosen preferences and has been passed to our senior management for consideration and review. This will aid us in enhancing team member experience and achieving positive outcomes for all individuals who use our services.   

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