Nua Healthcare

Nua MHC Inspection Report

The Mental Health Commission is an independent body that was set up in 2002. Its functions are set out in the Mental Health Act 2001; to promote, encourage and foster high standards and good practices in the delivery of mental health services and to protect the interests of patients.

There are a variety of types of mental health services which are provided in both in-patient and community settings in Ireland. Services include general adult mental health services, as well as mental health services for children and adolescents, older people, people with intellectual disabilities and forensic mental health services.

To download and view Nua's MHC inspection report, please follow the link below.

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This home is my life, I go to Day Service, do woodwork and I have taken part in the Olympics, this home is a family to me, I love living here!

Staff in my house are caring and always helping me make my own decisions about my life. They encourage me when I go swimming, walking and attend Day Services. They also help me when I visit home.

My son is autistic and is cared for by Nua Healthcare in Kildare. This is an incredible organisation with wonderful and amazing people who provide a vital service for those who cannot care for themselves. I personally want to say 'thank you' and I would urge others to find out more about them, and support them.